~~ Devotions and recipes for God's hurried people ~~

Freedom or Captivity?

Freedom or Captivity?

On this Fourth of July, the day America officially became known as the “land of the free” and the Declaration of Independence was approved, images of fireworks, flags, parades, and barbecues come to mind.  An attitude of respect and gratitude for those who have sacrificed for our freedom is also promoted.  Had our forefathers not fought for our liberty, only God knows in what condition we would find ourselves today.  For these ones who served to prevent the United States of America from being held captive to the forces of another nation, we are truly grateful.

There is another type of freedom available to every single living soul.  This is the liberation or freedom we receive when we put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and become His disciples.  “To the Jews who had believed in him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  –John 8:31-32, NIV

Jesus was in Jerusalem speaking to a group of followers comprised of believers and those who doubted that He was the Son of God.  Just as He spoke to the people then, Jesus also wants us to know that there is only one truth that will set us free from sin, destruction, and Satan’s bondage and captivity – God’s Holy Word that shares the provision He made as a way of redemption for all mankind in His Beloved Son Jesus.

We have the opportunity to believe the truth that is in God’s Word and apply it to our lives, or reject it and remain a captive of Satan, therefore, paying the consequences of sin.  Sin is like quicksand – it may be fun at first to play in, but then it sucks one steadily downward and soon they are enslaved to its death grip.  We were all once bound in sin, but Jesus came and set us free.  He lived, died, rose again, and has defeated sin, death, and Satan.  He has won freedom for the world, and He offers that freedom to all who desire to have it by holding to the teaching of the Gospel.

Dear Lord:  For the times I didn’t walk in Your ways and was deceived by the enemy, being pulled into the quicksand of sin, I repent.  As I continue to read and study Your Word, may I become stronger and more steadfast in my relationship with you.  Today, I choose freedom to be Your disciple as I hold to Your teaching and become a disciple for God.  For my family and friends, I pray they too choose to receive Your mercy and grace for their transgressions and be set free by the truth of Your Word.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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